{"stage":"gwas","symbol":"G","name":"Source of Variant Associations (GWAS)","definition":"Describes the samples used to define the variant associations/effect-sizes used in the PGS. These data are extracted from the NHGRI-EBI GWAS Catalog when a study ID (GCST) is available."} {"stage":"dev","symbol":"D","name":"Score Development/Training","definition":"Describes the samples used to develop or train the score (e.g. not used for variant discovery (\"gwas\" stage), and non-overlapping with the samples used to evaluate the PGS predictive ability (\"eval\" stage))"} {"stage":"eval","symbol":"E","name":"PGS Evaluation","definition":"Information about the samples used in PGS performance evaluation. These samples have a PGS Catalog Sample Set (PSS) ID to link them to their associated performance metrics (and across different PGS)"} {"stage":"gwas/dev","symbol":"G,D","name":"Development","definition":"Combination of the stages \"gwas\" and \"dev\"."} {"stage":"gwas/dev/eval","symbol":"G,D,E","name":"All stages","definition":"Combination of all the stages: \"gwas\", \"dev\" and \"eval\"."}